A Chapter of the Akshar-Purushoam Samhita
A Shastra Explaining the Principles ofA Shastra Explaining the Principles of
Agna and Upasana as Revealed by Agna and Upasana as Revealed by
Parabrahman Bhagwan SwaminarayanParabrahman Bhagwan Swaminarayan
Pragat Brahmaswarup Mahant Swami Maharaj
Pragat Brahmaswarup
Mahant Swami Maharaj
Agna and upasana are two wings.
Do not let go of them.
Then Akshardham can be easily reached.
There is no doubt in that.
- Aksharbrahman Shri Gunatanand Swami
Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Aksharbrahman Gunatanand Swami
(Shri Akshar-Purushoam Maharaj)
Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj
Brahmaswarup Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Brahmaswarup Bhagatji Maharaj
Brahmaswarup Yogiji Maharaj
  Shri Swaminarayano Vijayate
Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Aksharbrahman Gunatanand Swami
(Shri Akshar-Purushoam Maharaj)
Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj
Brahmaswarup Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Brahmaswarup Bhagatji Maharaj
Brahmaswarup Yogiji Maharaj
  Shri Swaminarayano Vijayate
A Chapter of the Akshar-Purushoam Samhita
A Shastra Explaining the Principles of
Agna and Upasana as Revealed by
Parabrahman Bhagwan Swaminarayan
Pragat Brahmaswarup
Mahant Swami Maharaj
Sanskrit Verses:
Sadhu Bhadreshdas
English Translaon:
BAPS Sadhus
Swaminarayan Aksharpith
Publisher’s Note
Under the auspices of the Pramukh
Swami Maharaj Centenary Celebrations
1921–2021, we take great pleasure and
pride in presenting the ‘Satsang Diksha’
shastra authored by Pragat Brahmaswarup
Mahant Swami Maharaj.
Bhagwan Swaminaryan nourished and
fostered the timeless traditions of
Hinduism through his contribution of a
   called Akshar-
Purushottam Darshan. In so doing, he
introduced a new spiritual pathway to
ultimate moksha for countless souls. In his
moral and spiritual teachings, called the
Shikshapatri and Vachanamrut, Bhagwan
viii Satsang Diksha
    
of spiritual sadhanas for the experience of
dealings and knowledge. Both the shastras
include the essence of all the Hindu
In the past two centuries, the Gunatit
     -
tion and knowledge founded by Bhagwan
Swaminarayan, to inspire and bless count-
less aspirants with the experience of the
A concise form of all the spiritual
knowledge and sadhanas propagated by
Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the Gunatit
gurus is presented for all aspirants in the
‘Satsang Diksha’ shastra, authored and
Publisher’s Note ix
    
Swami Maharaj Swamishri.
He started writing this shastra on the
January 2020    
completed it on Hari Jayanti 2 April
2020Swamishri wrote this shastra amidst
his unceasing and tireless vicharan, daily
    
     
the daily correspondence and administra-
     
during the early morning. Once Swa-
     
namely, Pujya Ishwarcharandas Swami,
x Satsang Diksha
warupdas Swami, Pujya Anandswarupdas
Swami, Pujya Narayanmunidas Swami,
Pujya Bhadreshdas Swami and others, to
      -
 shastra is included
in the ‘Akshar-Purushottam Samhita’
shastra, which expounds the teachings of
Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s philosophy and
bhakti tradition in the Sanskrit language.
On Swamishri’s instruction the ‘Satsang
Diksha shastra was rendered into Sanskrit
by the Sanstha’s renowned scholar,
Mahamahopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami.
   
checked the Sanskrit translation with the
Publisher’s Note xi
     the
necessary changes.
On the holy day of Guru Purnima 5
July 2020, in Nenpur, Gujarat, Mahant
Swami Maharaj performed the pujan
rituals of the ‘Satsang Diksha’ shastra and
dedicated     
the lotus feet of Bhagwan Swaminarayan,
Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami,
Brahmaswarup Bhagatji Maharaj, Brahma-
swarup Shastriji Maharaj, Brahmaswarup
Yogiji Maharaj and Brahmaswarup
Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
     has
blessed future generations with an
     
teachings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and
xii Satsang Diksha
     
feet. We anticipate that this shastra will
clarify and inspire one’s spiritual sadhanas
for attaining ultimate moksha.
We also take great joy in publishing an
English edition of ‘Satsang Diksha’, which
includes an English transliteration of the
      
English translation of the Gujarati text.
- Swaminarayan Aksharpith
‘Satsang Diksha is a shastra authored
in Gujarati by Pragat Brahmaswarup Ma-
hant Swami Maharaj, the sixth spiritual
shastra presents the principles of gn and
 taught by Bhagwan Swami-
     
   Mahamahopadhyay
shastra is a part of the ‘Akshar-
Purushottam Samhita shastra, which ex-
   
Swaminarayan’s principle teachings and
   
xiv Satsang Diksha
    
ate countless so
ciple of Akshar-Purushottam for the
purpose of attaining the highest moksha.
way of life in consonance with the eternal
Vedic principles of Akshar-Purushottam.
by countless satsangis from the time of
Bhagwan Swaminarayan to the present.
For the spiritual nourishment and growth
of the Satsang Bhagwan Swaminarayan in-
spired an unceasing parampar and legacy
of Aksharbrahman Gunatit gurus.
 and  are the two princi-
Foreword xv
ples of satsang taught by Bhagwan
Swaminarayan. He explained and elabo-
rated upon these two principles in his
     
      
discourses by the paramhansas.
Aksharbrahman Gunatitanand Swami
discoursed about and consolidated the
    
narayan, spiritual sadhanas and principles
      
   
Brahmaswarup Bhagatji Maharaj
propagated that Gunatitanand Swami was
Aksharbrahman and Bhagwan Swami-
narayan was Parabrahman Purushottam.
xvi Satsang Diksha
Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj tolerated
colossal hardships and opposition to
enshrine the principle of Akshar-
Purushottam taught by Bhagwan
Swaminarayan in the form of murtis in the
central shrines of shikharbaddh mandirs.
Brahmaswarup Yogiji Maharaj fostered
the Satsang with the nectar of samp,
and . He spearheaded and
established the BAPS children and youth
forums and Sunday satsang assemblies to
     
of  and  Brahmaswarup
Pramukh Swami Maharaj made Herculean
organization. He inspired the writing of
    
Foreword xvii
  to 1,000 youths and
   
Presently, the organization is helmed
by Pragat Brahmaswarup Mahant Swami
Maharaj, the sixth spiritual master in the
Gunatit guru   
    
enlightened with the fundamental princi-
ples of satsang. His teachings of one God,
one guru and one principle, and the
    
      
Since the time of Bhagwan
Swaminarayan the Sampraday has seen
xviii Satsang Diksha
the creation of shastras that nourish the
principles of and  among its
followers. Also, shastras related to
philosophy, spiritual sadhana, bhakti, dos
 
in disseminating and consolidating the
      
summarize the teachings of all the shastras
of the Sampraday, Mahant Swami Maharaj
had long wished that a single shastra be
made. He thus discussed this with the
     
in doing the sev of writing such a shastra.
 ‘Satsang Diksha includes
a wide range of essential topics: Bhagwan
Swaminarayan is Parabrahman Purush-
ottam Narayan, supreme, the all-doer, and
Foreword xix
       
manifest on earth; the Gunatit guru is Ak-
sharbrahman, the embodiment of Narayan
because he is eternally God-realized, and
the ideal for all spiritual aspirants to at-
tain the 
and for him are the essence of
    -
coming aksharrup   
 
this shastra. In addition, it includes con-
templation of certain thoughts as part of
one’s internal sadhana, namely, thoughts
about Parabrahman’s attainment ,
Bhagwan’s doership , Bhag-
wan’s pleasure , , ephemeral
nature of the world, through asso-
xx Satsang Diksha
    
 and introspection.
‘Satsang Diksha also encompasses as-
pects like abstaining from discouraging
talks, not looking at others’ faults and sid-
ing paksh
the purpose of establishing mandirs and
     -
ing niyam
attending the weekly satsang , doing
personal daily puja and  , per-
forming  and other rituals before the
ghar mandir and doing daily .
, which is part of this
     -
Foreword xxi
     
sonally consolidate the satsang principles
related to  and  in one’s life,
icate oneself for the two principles.
‘Satsang Diksha   -
sence of all that is to be understood and
practised in Satsang as propagated by
Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the Gunatit
guru and also all that is being
On the sacred day of 5 July 2020,
Ashadh sud    
Brahmaswarup Mahant Swami Maharaj
performed the pujan rituals of this shastra
xxii Satsang Diksha
       
As a tribute to Pramukh Swami Maha-
raj’s Centenary Celebrations, Pragat
Guruhari Mahant Swami Maharaj dedi-
cated this shastra, ‘Satsang Diksha’, at the
holy feet of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and
the Gunatit gurus.
Pragat Brahmaswarup Mahant Swami
Maharaj has truly blessed the entire
Satsang fellowship by writing this shastra
established by Bhagwan Swaminarayan
main indebted to him for his contribution
and grace.
Foreword xxiii
     -
hamahopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami for
translating the ‘Satsang Diksha into San-
skrit. Our sincere appreciations to
Aksharananddas Swami, Brahmasetudas
   -
    
May we truly attain the Swaminarayan
satsang  by daily reading, contem-
Sadhu Ishwarcharandas
5 July 2020
Pronunciation Guide
Sanskrit Transliteration
In Sanskrit, a word is pronounced ex-
actly as it is written.
Consonants to be pronounced similar
to English sounds.
 
in a word is always pro-
as a
Vowel sounds can be short denoted by
a i u or long .
i, u, t, d, n are explained below.
Pronunciation Guide xxvii
Vowel Written as Pronounced
short a a As in but, hut
long a aa As in bat, car
short i i As in bit, fit
long i ee As in beet, feet
short u u As in foot, put
long u oo As in boot, moon
Sounds pronounced by touching the
tongue to the roof of the mouth are de-
noted by a dot under the letter .
Dental sounds pronounced by touching
xxviii Satsang Diksha
the tongue against the teeth, are denot-
ed by a normal letter without any
symbols t, d, n.
Gujarati Transliteration
For Gujarati words, only the ‘short a
and ‘long a
tained in the English translation text are
collated in the Glossary.
Shri Swaminarayano Vijayate
Satsang Diksha
    
Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj sarvane
May Swaminarayan Bhagwan, who is
Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj himself,
bestow ultimate peace, bliss and happiness
on all. 
     
Purushottam Maharaj are synonyms and refer to the one
supreme entity – Parabrahman, Paramatma.
2 Satsang Diksha
      moksha, not
merely a means for indulgence in sense
pleasures. Rare and perishable, this body
is not repeatedly attained. 2
 
  
    
Satsang Diksha 3
Naiva sa paramam lakshyam
     only
       
    
birth. 3
   
     
    
Kartum Bhagavato bhaktim
asya dehasya lambhanam.4
4 Satsang Diksha
      
attained by practising satsang.
mumukshus should always practise satsang.
2 
Satsang Diksha 5
For this reason, Parabrahman Swami-
narayan himself manifested in this world
 
     
been composed with the pure intent that
mumukshus  
satsang. 
6 Satsang Diksha
      
    
    
     
Satyasya cha guroh sangah
One should know that the true meaning
of satsang is to associate with the ,
Satsang Diksha 7
which is true; to associate with
Paramatma, who is true; to associate with
the guru, who is true; and to associate
with true shastras. One who practises this
 
  
   
    
    
8 Satsang Diksha
    
   
  
    
    and 
   
Paramatma are clearly expressed in this
shastra. 11
    
Satsang Diksha 9
All males and females are entitled to
satsang, all are entitled to happiness and
all are entitled to . 12
  
    
    
10 Satsang Diksha
In Satsang, superiority or inferiority
      
on gender. All can attain moksha through
scribed for them. 13
   
 
    
 
    
tyajine paraspar
     
   
Satsang Diksha 11
All men and women of all castes are for-
  and
moksha. Do not attribute notions of supe-
riority and inferiority based on varna. All
persons should shun their ego based on
12 Satsang Diksha
is superior and no one is inferior by birth.
     
on caste or class and should joyfully prac-
tise satsang. 
 
 
 
Householders and renunciants are all
entitled to moksha. Between them neither
is inferior or superior, because house-
Satsang Diksha 13
     
of Bhagwan. 
   
     
     
3 
14 Satsang Diksha
4 
Satsang Diksha 15
    
Sahajanand Shri Hari
 
brahma-swarup Gunatit guruno pritie ka-
For the moksha of one’s , a mumukshu
Shri Hari and the Aksharbrahman Guna-
tit guru.
         
Swaminarayan Bhagwan through the association of the
         
without sins, I am fearless and I am blissful.
5. ‘Gunatit guru’ refers to the Aksharbrahman guru, who is
beyond .
16 Satsang Diksha
    
Upon taking the refuge of satsang, one
should always wear a double-stranded
wooden kanthi around the neck and
accept the niyams of satsang. 21
    
   
Satsang Diksha 17
In this world,  cannot be
fully realized in life without the Brahma-
swarup guru.
   
uttam nirvikalp nishchay na thai shake
    
Without the Aksharbrahman guru,
. ‘Brahmaswarup guru’ refers to the Aksharbrahman guru.
18 Satsang Diksha
in Paramatma cannot be attained and
one’s .
 
  
   
Without the Brahmaswarup guru, perfect
bliss cannot be attained and the three
Satsang Diksha 19
types of misery
also cannot be eradicated.
  
  
 
     
refuge of the manifest Aksharbrahman
guru, who enables one to attain all objec-
      
beings, the deities and personal shortcomings.
20 Satsang Diksha
Sarva satsangioe sarve
     
   
All satsangis should always renounce all
harmful addictions, as addictions cause
numerous illnesses and miseries. 
 
   
  
   
 
  
Satsang Diksha 21
    
substances, such as alcohol, bhang and
tobacco. One should also refrain from
smoking. 
Sarve stri
   
 
 
22 Satsang Diksha
in any form of gambling or adultery. 
onions, garlic or hing. 29
   
  
   
Satsang Diksha 23
One should consume water, milk and
other drinkable items only  
ages that are forbidden   
consumed. 30
    
     
Satsangis    
24 Satsang Diksha
    
 
   
   
Satsang Diksha 25
     
   
    
     
birds and bugs or other insects and
 
26 Satsang Diksha
      
adharma. 33–34
   yagna, satsangis  
harm goats or any other innocent animals.
  
 
Satsang Diksha 27
When yagnas are held, they should only be
conducted without harming any beings
and according to the Sampraday’s princi-
ples. 
Yagnano shesh ganine ke pachhi
28 Satsang Diksha
is considered to be the remnant of a yagna
     
     
One should not swear, insult or commit
other forms of subtle harm or injury. 
     
Satsang Diksha 29
wealth, power, prestige or   
desire for a man or woman or anything
      -
lence out of ego, jealousy or anger. 39
     
    
30 Satsang Diksha
     -
lence pains Swaminarayan Bhagwan, who
resides within that person. 40
      
      
from heights, hanging oneself, consuming
poison or any other means. 41
Satsang Diksha 31
      
    
No one should kill oneself or others out of
grief, shame, fear, anger or due to illness
      
sake of dharma. 42
  
      
     
32 Satsang Diksha
A mumukshu
moksha or
merits. 43
    
Satsang Diksha 33
Bhagwan is the all-doer, compassionate
and the protector of all; at all times, he
       
cial. His wish alone is my . He
alone is my liberator. 45
     
   
34 Satsang Diksha
ties will certainly be destroyed. I will sure-
ly attain peace, supreme bliss and
happiness. 
    
Satsang Diksha 35
      
manifest form of Akshar-Purushottam
Maharaj. With his strength, I will surely
      
     
With the strength of such thoughts, a
courage and remains joyous due to the
strength of Bhagwan. 
36 Satsang Diksha
     
      -
cate in places prohibited by the shastras
and society. 49
     
    
Satsang Diksha 37
     
and internal purity. Shri Hari
purity and is pleased with those who are
pure. 50
     
     
Satsangibhih praboddhavyam
Satsangis should always wake up before
. ‘Shri Hari’ is another name for Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
38 Satsang Diksha
routines, they should put on clean clothes.
     
     
and perform personal daily puja facing
east or north. 52
    
     
   
chandan vade urdhva-pundra tilak karvu
Satsang Diksha 39
     
     
kumkumena cha chandrakam.53
While chanting the Swaminarayan mantra
and remembering the guru, apply a U-
shaped tilak made from chandan
that has
Bhagwan and a kumkum chandlo to the
40 Satsang Diksha
forehead. One should also apply a tilak-
chandlo of chandan to the chest and both
arms. 53–54
    
    
While remembering Bhagwan and the
guru, women should imprint only a kum-
kum chandlo    
should not apply a tilak. 55
     
Satsang Diksha 41
   
    
   
   
   
   
     
42 Satsang Diksha
     
refuge of satsang should meditate on their
 while contemplating upon the glory
    
 
      
One should identify one’s  with
Aksharbrahman and perform  
with a calm and focused mind. 
9 
this mantra is as follows: “I am akshar   
Satsang Diksha 43
Bhagwan ane brahmaswarup guru ja mok-
Only Bhagwan and the Brahmaswarup
guru can bestow moksha  
should only meditate upon them and per-
form their . 59
     -
44 Satsang Diksha
    
murtis on a clean cloth in a way that one
can easily do their darshan. 
   
    
   
In the centre, one should arrange the
murtis of Akshar and Purushottam, that is,
Gunatitanand Swami and the one who
Satsang Diksha 45
transcends him, Shriji Maharaj. 
    
paryant pratyek guruoni murtio
One should then place the murtis of each
guru up to Pramukh Swami Maharaj and
the murtis of the gurus whom one has per-
     
46 Satsang Diksha
    Shriji Ma-
One should bow with folded
hands and with . 
10          
into one’s puja.
Satsang Diksha 47
Shri-Hare Purushottama;
48 Satsang Diksha
    -
       
11 
this mantra is as follows:
“O Sahajanand Shri Hari! O Purushottam! O Akshar-
brahman Gunatit gurus! Please shower compassion upon
me and awaken. Please come forth from my , to
presence and darshan.
Satsang Diksha 49
 and a steady mind,
one should perform  while chanting
shan of the murtis-
tinuing to do darshan of the murtis, one
should stand on one leg with arms raised
50 Satsang Diksha
and perform  . 
  
  
One should then perform  of
the murtis while contemplating upon Ak-
    
     
Satsang Diksha 51
  , males should
perform  and fe-
     
. 
      
   -
One should perform an additional dandvat
52 Satsang Diksha
      
hurting or harbouring ill-will towards
    
     
      
should pray with  
while chanting the Swaminarayan mantra
dhun. 
     
Satsang Diksha 53
gaman mantrathi Akshar-Purushottam
    
     
way, one should re-install Akshar-Purush-
ottam Maharaj within one’s  by recit-
ing the Punaragaman Mantra.
12        
conclude one’s puja.
54 Satsang Diksha
13 
this mantra is as follows:
“O Purushottam Narayan together with Aksharbrahman! I
       .
Now, please reside within my .
Satsang Diksha 55
     
     
     
yatra santi arer guroho.74
     
then daily read shastras that encompass
the teachings and instructions of Shri
Hari and the gurus. 
 
56 Satsang Diksha
     
     
performing puja in this way should one
       
       
Satsang Diksha 57
       
      
If one is incapable of doing puja because
     
another. 
    -
      
58 Satsang Diksha
satsangi in a household should keep
     
        
same day that he or she is born. 
    
    
    
Satsang Diksha 59
sarvaih satsangibhir gruhe.79
All satsangis should place a beautiful man-
dir within their homes where they can
     
satsang. Within the mandir, one should
 
murtis of Akshar-Purushottam and the
Gunatit gurus of the tradition. 
60 Satsang Diksha
    
    
     satsangis
should perform the  and sing the stuti
before the ghar mandir. 
     
      
Satsang Diksha 61
While performing the , one should de-
     ‘Jay Swami-
narayan, Jay Akshar-Purushottam…’ with
a steady mind and while clapping. 
    
     
to the murtis in the ghar mandir
62 Satsang Diksha
     -
     
One should not consume foods, fruits,
ing them to Bhagwan. Foods and other
items that may be impure should not be
      
Satsang Diksha 63
While sitting in front of the ghar mandir,
centration, sing kirtans, chant and engage
in smruti     
according to one’s preferences.
     
64 Satsang Diksha
Family members should gather daily for
  and engage in bhajan, discus-
     -
     
   
Satsang Diksha 65
Shri Hari inspired the creation of mandirs
        -
tect pure  and bhakti. He instruct-
ed that, along with Bhagwan, one should
     -
      
   
66 Satsang Diksha
    
Aksharbrahman is Bhagwan’s supreme
    
     
 
     
    
Satsang Diksha 67
sha      
constructed and the murti of Aksharbrah-
man is also ceremoniously consecrated
with Purushottam Bhagwan in the central
shrines of these mandirs. 90–91
68 Satsang Diksha
brahma sahit Purushottam Bhagwanne
Similarly, Aksharbrahman and Purushot-
tam Bhagwan are also always consecrated
in the central shrines of mandirs in homes
and other places. 92
anukul samaye pratidin bhaktie karine
Satsang Diksha 69
      
    satsangis
darshan. 93
     
      
All satsangi men and women should al-
ways dress in a manner that safeguards
their dharma. 94
70 Satsang Diksha
    
     
attend the weekly assemblies held at a
nearby mandir or centre. 95
  
   -
Satsang Diksha 71
 
Akshar, is the manifest form of Paramatma
Parabrahman Purushottam Hari. 
      
 worthy of
supreme 
72 Satsang Diksha
   
   
Gunatitanand Swami is the manifest form
    
Aksharbrahman  is manifest
  
   
     
Satsang Diksha 73
In the Sampraday’s tradition of gurus that
began with Gunatitanand Swami, only the
present form of Aksharbrahman is our
guru. 99
     
74 Satsang Diksha
Our  is the same, our guru is the
same and our  is also the same –
thus, we are always united. 100
    
  
One should know and realize
Akshar-Purushottam , which is
Vedic, eternal and the form of brahma
. 101
    
   
Satsang Diksha 75
  -
     
    
tities – jiva, ishwar, , Aksharbrahman
     
eternal and true. Swaminarayan Bhagwan
76 Satsang Diksha
himself established this clear .
Among these entities, Akshar and Purush-
ottam are the two who are eternally be-
yond . Jivas and ishwars attain moksha
by associating with them. 
   
brahmathi par chhe ane Aksharbrahma
te Paramatmani nitya
 
Satsang Diksha 77
 
   
superior to Aksharbrahman. Furthermore,
   
Paramatma with . 105
    -
 
78 Satsang Diksha
Bhagwan is eternally the all-doer, with
form, and supreme; he always remains
manifest for the moksha of mumukshus.
  
    
 
wan always remains present with all of his
Aksharbrahma gurune vishe dradh priti
Satsang Diksha 79
    
     
 for the Aksharbrahman guru.
     
    
    
80 Satsang Diksha
   
    
Aksharam Brahma vigneyam
    
beyond this world and auspicious. Shri
Hari himself bestowed this mantra. All
      
understand that ‘Swami’ refers to
Satsang Diksha 81
Aksharbrahman, and ‘Narayan’ refers to
Purushottam, who is superior to
Aksharbrahman. 109–110
    
    
   
  
    
guruhari Pramukh Swami Maharaje
    
      
    
  
82 Satsang Diksha
Uchyate darshanam divyam
Satsang Diksha 83
   
spread it throughout the world. Shastriji
Maharaj enshrined it in the form of murtis.
jivancharitra texts
     was
securely established by guruhari
Pramukh Swami Maharaj in his own
   may be
imbibed in one’s life through the
association of the manifest guruhari. It is
this eternal and moksha-bestowing
      
Akshar-Purushottam Darshan’. 111–114
    
    
84 Satsang Diksha
     
 , one should engage in
    
enthusiasm. 115
    
Identify one’s , which is distinct from
Satsang Diksha 85
the three bodies, as brahmarup and always
 to Parabrahman. 
     
     
    
perform bhakti without dharma. 
    
86 Satsang Diksha
     
     
from bhang, alcohol and other such sub-
Satsang Diksha 87
stances, as well as gambling, swearing and
   
      
or anyone other than Parabrahman and
    
bhakti. 120
     
   
88 Satsang Diksha
      
When faced with criticism, shame, fear or
    
   -
tion towards him, or the guru. 121
Satsang Diksha 89
      
be one’s great fortune and with the goal of
attaining one’s moksha. 122
     
    
One should not let time pass wastefully
    
90 Satsang Diksha
     
     
    
One should perform tasks while engaging
     . By
doing so, one will not become attached to
one’s actions, be burdened by them or
    
Satsang Diksha 91
   
One should fruitfully use time by
performing , listening to discourses,
smruti, meditating, studying, singing
kirtans of Bhagwan and engaging in other
92 Satsang Diksha
One should take the refuge of satsang to
      
attain ultimate moksha. 
   
    
      
satsang to attain the pleasure of Swami-
narayan Bhagwan and the Gunatit gurus.
Satsang Diksha 93
    
    
      
Purushottam here in this life. With the
      
always relish the bliss of satsang. 
     
    
     
94 Satsang Diksha
     
   
   
discourses, meditation, austerities, pil-
     
   
Satsang Diksha 95
enmity or for the attainment of worldly
with faith, pure intentions and the wish
to please Bhagwan. 129–130
   
Bhagwan or the guru, since both Akshar
and Purushottam are beyond  and di-
96 Satsang Diksha
      -
wan and the guru, renounce feebleness,
     
Bhagwan. 132
    
Satsang Diksha 97
      
upon and repeatedly recall the incidents
of Swaminarayan Bhagwan. 133
Mumukshuoe pratyaksh Aksharbrahma
     
pratyakshasya mumukshubhihi.
Mumukshus should always associate with
the manifest Aksharbrahman guru with
. 134
98 Satsang Diksha
      
   
guru is the only means to attaining the
 state and realizing Bhagwan. 135
    
   
Satsang Diksha 99
man guru and to experience Parabrahman,
of the Aksharbrahman guru. 
  
sevan karvu ane temne vishe pratyaksh
One should associate with one’s guruhari
through thought, word and deed and
should realize him as ‘Narayanswarup’ –
100 Satsang Diksha
the manifest form of Narayan Parabrah-
man. 
    
      
A satsangi
discouraging words. One should always
speak encouraging words. 
   
Satsang Diksha 101
continuously speak of the glory of Brahman
and Parabrahman and the greatness of
those who are associated with them. 139
Mumukshue satsangione vishe suhrad-
102 Satsang Diksha
Mumukshus should keep , divya
 and  toward satsangis140
Paramatma Parabrahma Swaminarayan
     
With discretion, one should always keep
Satsang Diksha 103
the paksh of Paramatma Parabrahman
Swaminarayan Bhagwan, the Aksharbrah-
     
Bhagwan ane brahmaswarup guruni
   
    43–
104 Satsang Diksha
One should always obey the commands of
Bhagwan and the Brahmaswarup guru.
One should realize their inner wishes and
     
should be followed without laziness,
immediately, and always with joy, enthusi-
asm,  and an eagerness to please
them. 143–144
Pratidin sthir chitte antardrashti karvi ke
Satsang Diksha 105
kim kurve’ham iheti cha.
With a composed mind, one should
      
to accomplish in this world and what am I
   
106 Satsang Diksha
     
     
      
each day without laziness. 
   
     
Satsang Diksha 107
Swaminarayan Bhagwan is the all-doer,
      
      
reason, I am joyous, greatly fortunate, ful-
     
    
   
14. Creator, sustainer and destroyer.
108 Satsang Diksha
In this way, with a composed mind, one
     
attainment of Paramatma, his greatness
and attaining his pleasure. 149
     
    
Realizing one’s  to be distinct from
the three bodies,
the three states,
15 sthul gross, sukshma subtle and  causal.
    waking,  dream and sushupti
deep sleep.
Satsang Diksha 109
brahman. 150
  
    
  
nent nature of the world and on one’s
 as eternal and . 151
 ,  and  – the three
110 Satsang Diksha
  
     
One should understand that all which has
happened, which is happening, and which
will happen is solely due to Swaminarayan
      
   
    
Satsang Diksha 111
One should daily pray to Swaminarayan
Bhagwan and the Brahmaswarup guru
     
     
112 Satsang Diksha
When one experiences impulses of ego-
tism, jealousy, lust, anger, and other base
akshar      
    
   
Also, one should remain strong in the be-
lief that Swaminarayan Bhagwan himself,
who is the destroyer of all base instincts,
is always with me. 155
Satsang Diksha 113
   
    
     
     
vivekibhir mumukshubhihi.
swadharma and
renounce pardharma. Swadharma means to
114 Satsang Diksha
     
    mumukshu should
realize that pardharma is disregarding
their instructions and acting wilfully.
       
    
     
apparently bene-
Satsang Diksha 115
gress the niyams of satsang or cause one to
lapse from dharma. 
 
      
   -
     
those who are senior in age, possess
      
expressing other forms of regard. 159
116 Satsang Diksha
    
      
    
One should always respect the learned,
seniors and teachers. According to one’s
capacity, one should honour them with
good words and other such deeds. 
    
Satsang Diksha 117
    
    
and other merits. One should encourage
them in noble works according to their
abilities. 
      
  
118 Satsang Diksha
One should speak words which are true,
     
   
       
defamatory, harsh or hateful. 
      
     
Satsang Diksha 119
     
     -
ers. 
     
120 Satsang Diksha
results in the displeasure of Bhagwan and
the guru. 
    
   
If extremely necessary, it is acceptable to
       
authorized person. 
      
    
Satsang Diksha 121
        
that is hurtful or damaging to others or
   
With 
     
122 Satsang Diksha
   
In happy times do not get carried away
and in unhappy times do not become
    
Swaminarayan Bhagwan’s wish. 
     
Satsang Diksha 123
      
anyone. One should always be well-
mannered and remain calm. 
      
action, thought or writing. 
124 Satsang Diksha
   
   
Householder satsangis   
      
     
     
    
Shvashurah pitruvat sevyo
Satsang Diksha 125
      
her own father and mother-in-law as her
own mother. A father- and mother-in-law
should care for their daughter-in-law as
they would for their own daughter. 
  
   
126 Satsang Diksha
Householders should diligently nurture
their sons and daughters through satsang,
    
     
One should speak pleasantly at home. One
should renounce bitter speech and not
harm others with malicious intent. 
    
Satsang Diksha 127
Householders should joyously eat meals
  
to guests according to their means. 
    
    
   
128 Satsang Diksha
        
occasions, one should perform additional
      
discourses and remember Akshar-
Purushottam Maharaj. 
     
    
One should always impart  to
one’s sons and daughters by teaching them
Satsang Diksha 129
   
     
   
From when a child is in the womb, one
should instil    
Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj by reading
the sacred texts of satsang and through
other noble acts. 
130 Satsang Diksha
       
      
wrong intent. In the same manner, wom-
       
wrong intent. 
   
Satsang Diksha 131
Except in emergency situations, married
with women other than their wife. 
     
Similarly, married   
remain alone with men other than their
husband, except in emergency situations.
132 Satsang Diksha
    
       
    
A male should not touch a female who is
      -
spectfully touch one who is closely relat-
ed. Similarly, a female should not touch a
  
she may respectfully touch one who is
closely related. 
Satsang Diksha 133
     
      
In emergency situations, it is not a fault to
      
      
always obey the niyams. 
     
      
134 Satsang Diksha
      
other media that contain obscene scenes
which destroy one’s dharma and .
Satsangis should not associate with people
adulterous. 
Satsang Diksha 135
    
     
should not associate with immoral women
      niyams.
      
136 Satsang Diksha
One should not listen to talks or songs,
      
one’s lustful desires. 
    
    
    
and other assets should always be con-
ducted in writing, in the presence of a
Satsang Diksha 137
witness and by 
such niyams. 
    
    
     
ing and by following other such niyams.
    
     
138 Satsang Diksha
Satsangis     
with immoral persons and should be com-
passionate towards those who are meek
     
Satsang Diksha 139
     
     
    
      
     
should not be spent wastefully. One
should spend according to one’s income.
140 Satsang Diksha
One should always accurately keep ac-
counts of one’s income and expenditure in
    
     
  
Satsang Diksha 141
one-tenth or one-twentieth of one’s in-
 
and to attain his blessings. 195
 
    
   
money and other possessions according to
142 Satsang Diksha
their needs, circumstances and means.
 
According to one’s means, one should
     
other sustenance for one’s domesticated
animals and birds. 
Satsang Diksha 143
One should not betray the trust of or
    
wealth, objects, land or other commodities.
    
      
144 Satsang Diksha
One should pay employees the amount of
money or other forms of remuneration
      
    
    
A satsangi should not commit betrayal.
One should uphold one’s promise. A
pledge should not be broken. 200
    
   
Satsang Diksha 145
   
     
     
Rulers should follow dharma that is nec-
for the people, foster their growth and
146 Satsang Diksha
safeguard    
fence, electricity, food, water and other
    
A person should be assigned suitable tasks
    
    
such factors. 203
Satsang Diksha 147
     
     
     
One should happily reside in a country
where one can worship Bhagwan and
148 Satsang Diksha
A person who migrates elsewhere for
educational, economic or other gains
    
niyams. 205
      
 
In the country one resides, one should
Satsang Diksha 149
    
   
    
     
patience and joyously worship Akshar-
Purushottam Maharaj within. 
      
150 Satsang Diksha
     
 
   
and addictions. 209
Satsang Diksha 151
    
     
 
Students should study with concentration,
     
152 Satsang Diksha
From childhood, one should strengthen
fearful. 211
     
From childhood, one should practise
     
     
Satsang Diksha 153
  to one’s mother and
father. 
    
     
    
During adolescence and early adulthood,
one should exercise greater self-control
and refrain from improper physical
     
destroy one’s energies physical, mental
and spiritual. 
154 Satsang Diksha
       
     
 
are appropriate and lead to good out-
    
entertain one’s mind or gratify others.
    
     
Satsang Diksha 155
     
  
     
      
should daily perform puja and do satsang.
     
    
156 Satsang Diksha
In this world, the company one keeps has
     
    
one should always keep the company of
pany. 
Satsang Diksha 157
One should renounce the company of
those who are lustful, ungrateful, dishon-
est, hypocritical or deceitful. 
    
   
   
  
158 Satsang Diksha
One should not associate with those who
deny Bhagwan and his incarnations,
   to Paramatma or
    
a form, to be formless. Do not read such
texts. 
    
     
Satsang Diksha 159
One should renounce the company of
those who decry mandirs and Bhagwan’s
murtis    
and other such righteous conduct. 220
   
One should not associate with those who
oppose taking refuge in a guru, Vedic texts
160 Satsang Diksha
or the path of bhakti. 221
       
      
such a person is intelligent in worldly ac-
   
    
Satsang Diksha 161
One should not associate with those who
ridicule faith in spiritual matters and
promote logic alone. 223
Satsange’pi kusango yo
Mumukshu 
kusang     
162 Satsang Diksha
associate with it. 224
    
    
      
Harau gurau cha pratyakshe
      
     niyams or see
human traits in the manifest form of
Bhagwan or the guru. 225
  
Satsang Diksha 163
 
      
    
speak only ill of others, are wilful or
disobey the guru. 
      
164 Satsang Diksha
One should not associate with those who
defame noble works, sacred texts or
satsang. 
    
     
Gurau Harau cha satsange
One should shun the company of those
     
Bhagwan, the guru or satsang. 
   
Satsang Diksha 165
One should respectfully associate with a
tion in Akshar-Purushottam and who is
discerning. 229
    
166 Satsang Diksha
One should respectfully associate with
those who do not doubt the words of
Bhagwan or the guru, and are trustworthy
and wise. 230
One should respectfully associate with
those who always eagerly follow com-
mands with enthusiasm and determina-
     
Satsang Diksha 167
   
      
One should respectfully associate with
     -
wan and the guru. 232
    
     
168 Satsang Diksha
One should respectfully associate with
those in satsang who eagerly imbibe the
. 233
     
Satsang Diksha 169
One should respectfully associate with a
person whose conduct and thoughts aim
solely to please the guru. 234
    
   
One should study and teach the Sanskrit
cording to one’s abilities and preferences.
170 Satsang Diksha
    
 
One should daily read the Vachanamrut,
Swamini Vato and the jivancharitras of the
Gunatit gurus with adoration. 
   
     
    
   
Satsang Diksha 171
     -
narayan Bhagwan and the Gunatit gurus
     satsangis 
satsangis should, with a calm mind, listen
to, contemplate on and repeatedly recall
them daily with    -
tion. 
   
172 Satsang Diksha
     
words that go against the Sampraday’s
principles or raise doubts. 239
   
Satsang Diksha 173
    
Swaminarayan Bhagwan in one’s heart,
according to the guru’s instructions. 240
    
  
    
   
    
174 Satsang Diksha
    and
other fasts, as well as chanting the
Swaminarayan mantra, performing
, listening to spiritual dis-
    ,
     
and the wish to please Bhagwan. 241–242
     
  
Satsang Diksha 175
During this time, one should also regular-
ly read and teach the Sampraday’s shastras
according to one’s preference and ability.
      
satsangis    
 244
   
  
176 Satsang Diksha
     -
narayan and the Aksharbrahman gurus
     -
tion. 245
     
   
Satsang Diksha 177
According to their means, satsangis should
    
special days related to Shri Hari and the
gurus. 
kirtan karvu ane visheshe karine mahi-
sing kirtans to the accompaniment of in-
struments and especially discourse on the
glory [of God and guru]. 
Chaitra sud nomne divase Ramchandra
178 Satsang Diksha
    
On the day of Chaitra sud 9, one should
 pujan to Ramchandra Bhagwan. On
pujan to Krishna Bhagwan. 
Shivratrine vishe Shankar Bhagwannu
sud chothne divase
Satsang Diksha 179
     pujan to
    sud 4,
pujan to Ganpati. 249
Aso vad chaudashne divas Hanumanjinu
On Aso vadpujan to
    
the deities of any mandir that one comes
across. 250
180 Satsang Diksha
    
     
    
      
Akshar-Purushottam Maharajne vishe
Satsang Diksha 181
     
  
one should not disrespect any other deity.
    
     
      
  
religions,  or their followers.
182 Satsang Diksha
always treat them with respect. 253
     
    
shastras or sadhus. One should honour
them appropriately according to one’s ca-
pacity. 254
      
      
Satsang Diksha 183
bhaktyartham eva kevalam.
     
other austerities are undertaken, they
should be performed only as bhakti and
with the intent to solely please Bhagwan.
     
184 Satsang Diksha
     
      
     -
sumed. 
    -
     -
    
     
     
during daytime destroys the merits earned
by the austerity of fasting. 
Satsang Diksha 185
   
    
     
 
If one desires to go on a pilgrimage to the
    -
186 Satsang Diksha
narayan or the Aksharbrahman gurus, one
should do so according to one’s means and
preferences. 
   
   
     
One may go on a pilgrimage to Ayodhya,
Mathura, Kashi, Kedarnath, Badrinath,
Rameshwar and other sacred places ac-
cording to one’s means and preferences.
Satsang Diksha 187
     -
      
certainly follow its disciplines. Males
should not touch females and females
should not touch males. 
    
188 Satsang Diksha
Niyamam anusrutyaiva
At the mandir, males and females should
always dress according to the norms of
satsang. 
 
for the darshan of Bhagwan or the
guru. 
Satsang Diksha 189
    
     
    
     
During a solar or lunar eclipse, all satsang
190 Satsang Diksha
gage in Bhagwan’s bhajan. During that
time, one should not sleep or eat, but sit
in one place to sing kirtans dedicated to
Bhagwan and undertake other forms of
      
Grahanni mukti thaye sarva janoe sa-
    
and soak the clothes they are wearing.
   
Satsang Diksha 191
donations. 
One should perform rituals related to
birth, death and  according to the
Satsang tradition. 
     
    
192 Satsang Diksha
If one has acted immorally, one should
piously atone to please Bhagwan. 
     
One should follow the rules described for
emergencies only in times of crisis. Do not
    -
Satsang Diksha 193
      
When agonizing calamities arise, one
act to protect oneself and others. 
     
     
     
194 Satsang Diksha
When faced with circumstances that may
result in death, one who is wise should act
according to the guru’s teachings to pro-
     
   
sarvaih satsangibhir janaihi.
Satsang Diksha 195
and abilities, all satsangis should genuinely
act, atone and engage in dealings accord-
ing to the traditions of the Satsang and
the guru’s instructions. 
    
     
196 Satsang Diksha
    
     
    
     
bhuts, prets or .
     
Satsang Diksha 197
    
   
On auspicious and inauspicious occasions,
one should recite the sacred ‘Sahajanand
    
      
198 Satsang Diksha
, karma and    
      
    
Satsangis should always renounce inappro-
priate indulgence in the sense pleasures,
addictions and superstitions. 
     
Satsang Diksha 199
Akshar-Purushottam Maharajne sarva-
  , karma and other fac-
tors to be the doers. One should realize
Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj as the all-
doer. 
     -
Vipattishu dhared dhairyam
200 Satsang Diksha
     
    
    
Maharaj. 
    
   
     
Satsang Diksha 201
brahman guru. All sadhus should always
brahmacharya. 
Renunciants should renounce money and
       
  
     
  
   
202 Satsang Diksha
nirlobhatvam sadaiva cha.
     
Purushottam Maharaj, renunciants should
     ,
nirlobh, , nissneh, , and the
 4
    
    
Satsang Diksha 203
Renunciants should identify their 
     
to Swaminarayan Bhagwan with 
. 
    
   
204 Satsang Diksha
Renunciation is not merely self-denial; it
     
renunciation is for attaining Akshar-
Purushottam Maharaj. 
   
  
    and  are
     
bestow utmost bliss. 
Satsang Diksha 205
   
     
     
    
    
206 Satsang Diksha
    
strengthen  and  in their life
according to this shastra earn the pleasure
of Bhagwan and become a recipient of his
sthiti     
master     
     -
wan, ultimate moksha and bliss. 
   
Satsang Diksha 207
    
Attaining oneness with Aksharbrahman
  -
ottam is considered to be mukti. 291
208 Satsang Diksha
Here, in this way,  and  
been concisely described. One should ob-
tain further details from the Sampraday’s
shastras. 292
     
    
     
Satsang Diksha 209
Satsangis should daily read this ‘Satsang
      
 293–294
Paramatma Parabrahma Swaminarayan
    
     
210 Satsang Diksha
   was
established by Paramatma Parabrahman
Swaminarayan Bhagwan and spread by
based on this . 
  
      
Satsang Diksha 211
  moksha to the mumukshus, the
compassionate Parabrahman Swami-
narayan Bhagwan manifested on this earth
       
    
     
both in this world and beyond. 
212 Satsang Diksha
Sarvatra Paramatma Parabrahma Swami-
    
of Paramatma Parabrahman Swami-
    -
where. 299
  
Satsang Diksha 213
May all grief, the three types of miseries,
calamities, distresses, ignorance, doubts
and fears of all be destroyed. 300
   
     
good health, happiness, utmost peace and
ultimate moksha. 301
214 Satsang Diksha
sarvadaiva parasparam.
May no one harm or hate others. May
Akshar-Purushottamne vishe sarvane
     
     -
Satsang Diksha 215
     
    
   
Bhavantu balinah sarve
     
following dharma and attain the pleasure
of Sahajanand Paramatma. 304
   
  
216 Satsang Diksha
are peaceful, righteous and engrossed in
     
path of spirituality. 305
    
Satsang Diksha 217
May mutual unity, , friendship,
    
among all people. 
   
sambandhe karine satsangne vishe sarvane
   
     -
man and Parabrahman, may all strengthen
 and  towards the
Satsang. 
218 Satsang Diksha
     
    -
May all identify their  as aksharrup
 -
janand. 
Vikram Samvat 2076na Magh shukla
yo ane Chaitra sud navmie Swaminarayan
   
Satsang Diksha 219
      
Magha Maha sud 5 30 January 2020 
ed on Chaitra sud 9 2 April 2020 , on
narayan Bhagwan. 309–310
    
220 Satsang Diksha
   
    
  
    
     
     
    
Pramukh Swami Maharajna janma
Satsang Diksha 221
On the occasion of Pramukh Swami Ma-
haraj’s birth centenary celebrations, this
tion as a tribute to: 1 Parabrahman Saha-
janand Shri Hari – the focus of ,
2 Mul Akshar Gunatitanand Swami, 3
222 Satsang Diksha
Bhagatji Maharaj – the embodiment of
wisdom, 4 Yagnapurushdasji Shastriji
Maharaj – the protector of the true sid
, 5    
blissful embodiment of Aksharbrahman,
Yogiji Maharaj and  Guru Pramukh
Swami Maharaj, who is humble and re-
    
Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj sakal vish-
Tanotu sakale vishve
Satsang Diksha 223
May Swaminarayan Bhagwan, who is
Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj himself,
spread supreme bliss and auspiciousness
throughout the entire world. 315
. Here, Swaminarayan Bhagwan and Akshar-Purushottam
Maharaj are synonyms and refer to the one supreme entity
– Parabrahman, Paramatma.
224 Satsang Diksha
    
shastra which explains the principles of
 and 
Swaminarayan. It has been written by
Pragat Brahmaswarup Mahant Swami
Maharaj in Gujarati in his own
handwriting and rendered into Sanskrit
   
adharma unrighteousness
 a spiritual and moral ordinance
or command
aksharrup the state of oneness with Akshar-
    
    
 piece of cloth that is used to sit on
 one of the four stages of life
 soul
 an intense emotional bond that
culminates in oneness
bhut 
 state of oneness with the Akshar-
brahman guru; understanding
226 Satsang Diksha
brahmarup the state of oneness with Akshar-
 the knowledge of Akshar and Pu-
 state of oneness with Akshar-
chandan sandalwood
 a round mark that is usually ap-
plied to the forehead and may be
accompanied by a tilak
 a type of austerity that is based
on the phases of the moon
 a four-month period that in-
cludes the Indian monsoon sea-
son and other months, during
are undertaken
 -
Glossary 227
 understanding a person or an ob-
 a day of fast that occurs approxi-
 dharma
   
and bhakti
ghar mandir a mandir in one’s home
 gathering of family members to
   
guruhari the Aksharbrahman guru
hing asafoetida, a spice
ishtadev chosen deity or object of worship
ishwar sentient being that carries out
tasks related to the creation, sus-
tenance and destruction of the
228 Satsang Diksha
jiva an individual  or soul
jivancharitra biography
 time
kanthi    
stringed together and worn
around the neck as a symbol of
refuge in God and guru
kusang bad company and other forms of
 the understanding of greatness or
 rosary, prayer beads
 a form of mental worship
 -
   -
moksha ultimate liberation from the cycle
of births and deaths
Glossary 229
mumukshu genuine spiritual aspirant
murti sacred image
nirlobh 
 
nishchay 
 
nissneh      
      
desire for tasty foods
niyams 
paksh -
cate and to protect
a type of prostration
 tradition
pardharma not obeying the commands of
God and guru, but acting wilfully
 
230 Satsang Diksha
 circumambulation
 destiny, fate
pret 
pujan a form of worship
understanding the  as exis-
tent (sat/sach), sentient (chid) and
blissful ()
 spiritual organizations
 
prostration; also known as
 or dandvat
satsang association of the Satpurush
satsangi one who practises satsang
 
     -
 a principle or teaching
Glossary 231
smruti remembrance or recollection of
God and guru
stuti 
sud bright half of a lunar month
 fraternity, kinship or fellowship;
swadharma one’s duties
 turning rosary while standing on
one leg with arms raised
tilak a religious mark applied to the
body, usually the forehead, arms
and chest
 faithful worship, philosophical
vad dark half of a lunar month
 detachment
varna caste, community
yagna 
A Chapter of the Akshar-Purushoam Samhita
A Shastra Explaining the Principles ofA Shastra Explaining the Principles of
Agna and Upasana as Revealed by Agna and Upasana as Revealed by
Parabrahman Bhagwan SwaminarayanParabrahman Bhagwan Swaminarayan
Pragat Brahmaswarup Mahant Swami Maharaj
Pragat Brahmaswarup
Mahant Swami Maharaj
Agna and upasana are two wings.
Do not let go of them.
Then Akshardham can be easily reached.
There is no doubt in that.
- Aksharbrahman Shri Gunatanand Swami