NIJ is committed to realizing the full potential of artificial intelligence to promote public safety and
reduce crime.
ntelligent machines” have long been the subject of science
fiction. However, we now live in an era in which artificial
intelligence (Al) is a reality, and it is having very real and
deep impacts on our daily lives. From phones to cars to
finances and medical care, AI is shifting the way we live.
AI applications can be found in many aspects of
our lives, from agriculture to industry, commun-ications, education,
finance, government, service, manufacturing, medicine, and
transportation. Even public safety and criminal justice are benefiting
from AI. For example, traffic safety systems identify violations and
enforce the rules of the road, and crime forecasts allow for more
efficient allocation of policing resources. AI is also helping to identify
the potential for an individual under criminal justice supervision to
Research supported by NIJ is helping to lead the way in applying AI to address criminal justice needs, such
as identifying individuals and their actions in videos relating to criminal activity or public safety, DNA analysis,
gunshot detection, and crime forecasting.
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
AI is a rapidly advancing field of computer science. In the mid-1950s, John McCarthy, who has been credited
as the father of AI, defined it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines” (see sidebar, “A
Brief History of Artificial Intelligence”).
Conceptually, AI is the ability of a machine to perceive and respond to
its environment independently and perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence and decision-
making processes, but without direct human intervention.
2 Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice Needs
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One facet of human intelligence is the ability to learn
from experience. Machine learning is an application of
AI that mimics this ability and enables machines and
their software to learn from experience.
important from the criminal justice perspective
is pattern recognition. Humans are efficient at
recognizing patterns and, through experience, we
learn to differentiate objects, people, complex human
emotions, information, and conditions on a daily basis.
AI seeks to replicate this human capability in software
algorithms and computer hardware. For example, self-
learning algorithms use data sets to understand how
to identify people based on their images, complete
intricate computational and robotics tasks, understand
purchasing habits and patterns online, detect medical
conditions from complex radiological scans, and make
stock market predictions.
Applications for Criminal Justice and
Public Safety
AI is being researched as a public safety resource
in numerous ways. One particular AI application —
facial recognition — can be found everywhere in
both the public and the private sectors (see sidebar,
“The National Artificial Intelligence Research and
Development Strategic Plan”).
Intelligence analysts,
for example, often rely on facial images to help
establish an individual’s identity and whereabouts.
Examining the huge volume of possibly relevant
images and videos in an accurate and timely manner
is a time-consuming, painstaking task, with the
potential for human error due to fatigue and other
factors. Unlike humans, machines do not tire. Through
initiatives such as the Intelligence Advanced Research
Projects Activity’s Janus computer-vision project,
analysts are performing trials on the use of algorithms
that can learn how to distinguish one person from
another using facial features in the same manner as a
human analyst.
The U.S. Department of Transportation is also looking
to increase public safety through researching,
developing, and testing automatic traffic accident
detection based on video to help maintain safe and
efficient commuter traffic over various locations and
weather, lighting, and traffic conditions.
AI algorithms
are being used in medicine to interpret radiological
images, which could have important implications
for the criminal justice and medical examiner
communities when establishing cause and manner
of death.
AI algorithms have also been explored in
various disciplines in forensic science, including DNA
AI is also quickly becoming an important technology
in fraud detection.
Internet companies like PayPal
stay ahead of fraud attempts by using volumes of data
to continuously train their fraud detection algorithms
to predict and recognize anomalous patterns and to
learn to recognize new patterns.
NIJ’s Artificial Intelligence Research
The AI research that NIJ supports falls primarily
into four areas: public safety video and image
analysis, DNA analysis, gunshot detection, and crime
Public safety video and image analysis
Video and image analysis is used in the criminal
justice and law enforcement communities to obtain
information regarding people, objects, and actions to
support criminal investigations. However, the analysis
of video and image information is very labor-intensive,
requiring a significant investment in personnel with
subject matter expertise. Video and image analysis is
Artificial intelligence has
the potential to be a permanent
part of our criminal justice
ecosystem, providing investigative
assistance and allowing criminal
justice professionals to better
maintain public safety.
NIJ Journal / Issue No. 280 January 2019 3
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also prone to human error due to the sheer volume of
information, the fast pace of changing technologies
such as smartphones and operating systems, and
a limited number of specialized personnel with the
knowledge to process such information.
AI technologies provide the capacity to overcome such
human errors and to function as experts. Traditional
software algorithms that assist humans are limited
to predetermined features such as eye shape, eye
color, and distance between eyes for facial recognition
or demographics information for pattern analysis. AI
video and image algorithms not only learn complex
tasks but also develop and determine their own
independent complex facial recognition features/
parameters to accomplish these tasks, beyond what
humans may consider. These algorithms have the
potential to match faces, identify weapons and other
objects, and detect complex events such as accidents
and crimes (in progress or after the fact).
In response to the needs of the criminal justice and
law enforcement communities, NIJ has invested
in several areas to improve the speed, quality, and
specificity of data collection, imaging, and analysis
and to improve contextual information.
For instance, to understand the potential benefits of
AI in terms of speed, researchers at the University
of Texas at Dallas, with funding from NIJ and in
partnership with the FBI and the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, are assessing facial
identification by humans and examining methods
for effectively comparing AI algorithms and expert
facial examiners. Preliminary results show that
when the researchers limit the recognition time to
30 seconds, AI-based facial-recognition algorithms
developed in 2017 perform comparably to human
facial examiners.
The implications of these findings
are that AI-based algorithms can potentially be used
as a “second pair of eyes” to increase the accuracy of
expert human facial examiners and to triage data to
increase productivity.
In addition, in response to the need for higher quality
information and the ability to use lower quality
images more effectively, Carnegie Mellon University
is using NIJ funding to develop AI algorithms to
improve detection, recognition, and identification. One
particularly important aspect is the university’s work
on images in which an individual’s face is captured
at different angles or is partially to the side, and
when the individual is looking away from the camera,
obscured by masks or helmets, or blocked by lamp
posts or lighting. The researchers are also working
with low-quality facial image construction, including
images with poor resolution and low ambient light
levels, where the image quality makes facial matching
difficult. NIJ’s test and evaluation center is currently
testing and evaluating these algorithms.
Finally, to decipher a license plate (which could
help identify a suspect or aid in an investigation) or
identify a person in extremely low-quality images or
video, researchers at Dartmouth College are using AI
algorithms that systematically degrade high-quality
images and compare them with low-quality ones to
better recognize lower quality images and video. For
example, clear images of numbers and letters are
slowly degraded to emulate low-quality images. The
degraded images are then expressed and catalogued
as mathematical representations. These degraded
mathematical representations can then be compared
with low-quality license plate images to help identify
the license plate.
Also being explored is the notion of “scene
understanding,” or the ability to develop text that
describes the relationship between objects (people,
places, and things) in a series of images to provide
context. For example, the text may be “Pistol being
drawn by a person and discharging into a store
window.” The goal is to detect objects and activities
that will help identify crimes in progress for live
observation and intervention as well as to support
investigations after the fact.
Scene understanding
over multiple scenes can indicate potentially important
events that law enforcement should view to confirm
and follow. One group of researchers at the University
of Central Florida, in partnership with the Orlando
Police Department, is using NIJ funding to develop
algorithms to identify objects in videos, such as
people, cars, weapons, and buildings, without human
intervention. They are also developing algorithms to
4 Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice Needs
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A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence
1950: Alan Turing publishes his paper on creating thinking machines.
1956: John McCarthy presents his definition of artificial intelligence.
1956-1974: Reason searches or means-to-end algorithms were first developed to “walk” simple
decision paths and make decisions.
Such approaches provided the ability to solve complex mathematical
expressions and process strings of words. The word processing is known as natural language processing.
These approaches led to the ability to formulate logic and rules to interpret and formulate sentences and
also marked the beginning of game theory, which was realized in basic computer games.
1980-1987: Complex systems were developed using logic rules and reasoning algorithms that mimic
human experts. This began the rise of expert systems, such as decision support tools that learned the
“rules” of a specific knowledge domain like those that a physician would follow when performing a
medical diagnosis.
Such systems were capable of complex reasoning but, unlike humans, they could not
learn new rules to evolve and expand their decision-making.
1993-2009: Biologically inspired software known as “neural networks” came on the scene. These
networks mimic the way living things learn how to identify complex patterns and, in doing so,
can complete complex tasks. Character recognition for license plate readers was one of the first
2010-present: Deep learning and big data are now in the limelight. Affordable graphical processing
units from the gaming industry have enabled neural networks to be trained using big data.
these networks mimics how humans learn to recognize and categorize simple patterns into complex
patterns. This software is being applied in automated facial and object detection and recognition as well
as medical image diagnostics, financial patterns, and governance regulations.
Projects such as Life Long
Learning Machines, from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, seek to further advance AI
algorithms toward learning continuously in ways similar to those of humans.
1. Alan Turing, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,Mind 49 (1950): 433-460.
2. The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, “What is Artificial Intelligence.”
3. Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1981).
4. Daniel Crevier, AI: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence (New York: Basic Books, 1993), ISBN 0-465-02997-3.
5. Ibid.
6. Pamela McCorduck, Machines Who Think, 2nd ed. (Natick, MA: A.K. Peters, Ltd., 2004), ISBN 1-56881-205-1, Online
Computer Library Center, Inc.
NIJ Journal / Issue No. 280 January 2019 5
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identify actions such as traffic accidents and violent
Another important aspect of AI is the ability to predict
behavior. In contrast to the imaging and identification
of criminal activity in progress, the University of
Houston has used NIJ funding to develop algorithms
that provide continuous monitoring to assess activity
and predict emergent suspicious and criminal
behavior across a network of cameras. This work also
concentrates on using clothing, skeletal structure,
movement, and direction prediction to identify and
reacquire people of interest across multiple cameras
and images.
DNA analysis
AI can also benefit the law enforcement community
from a scientific and evidence processing standpoint.
This is particularly true in forensic DNA testing, which
has had an unprecedented impact on the criminal
justice system over the past several decades.
Biological material, such as blood, saliva, semen,
and skin cells, can be transferred through contact
with people and objects during the commission of a
crime. As DNA technology has advanced, so has the
sensitivity of DNA analysis, allowing forensic scientists
to detect and process low-level, degraded, or
otherwise unviable DNA evidence that could not have
been used previously. For example, decades-old DNA
evidence from violent crimes such as sexual assaults
and homicide cold cases is now being submitted
to laboratories for analysis. As a result of increased
sensitivity, smaller amounts of DNA can be detected,
which leads to the possibility of detecting DNA
from multiple contributors, even at very low levels.
These and other developments are presenting new
challenges for crime laboratories. For instance, when
using highly sensitive methods on items of evidence,
it may be possible to detect DNA from multiple
perpetrators or from someone not associated with the
crime at all — thus creating the issue of DNA mixture
interpretation and the need to separate and identify (or
“deconvolute”) individual profiles to generate critical
investigative leads for law enforcement.
AI may have the potential to address this challenge.
DNA analysis produces large amounts of complex
data in electronic format; these data contain patterns,
some of which may be beyond the range of human
analysis but may prove useful as systems increase
in sensitivity. To explore this area, researchers at
Syracuse University partnered with the Onondaga
County Center for Forensic Sciences and the New York
City Office of Chief Medical Examiner’s Department
of Forensic Biology to investigate a novel machine
learning-based method of mixture deconvolution.
With an NIJ research award, the Syracuse University
team worked to combine the strengths of approaches
involving human analysts with data mining and AI
algorithms. The team used this hybrid approach
to separate and identify individual DNA profiles
to minimize the potential weaknesses inherent in
using one approach in isolation. Although ongoing
evaluation of the use of AI techniques is needed and
there are many factors that can influence the ability
to parse out individual DNA donors, research shows
that AI technology has the potential to assist in these
complicated analyses.
7. Navdeep Singh Gill, “Artificial Neural Networks, Neural Networks Applications and Algorithms,” Xenonstack, July 21,
2017; Andrew L. Beam, “Deep Learning 101 - Part 1: History and Background” and “Deep Learning 101 - Part 2: Multilayer
Perceptrons, Machine Learning and Medicine, February 23, 2017; and Andrej Karpathy, “CS231n: Convolutional Neural
Networks for Visual Recognition,” Stanford University Computer Science Class.
8. Beam, “Deep Learning 101 - Part 1” and “Deep Learning 101 - Part 2.”
9. Karpathy, “CS231n.”
10. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, “Toward Machines that Improve with Experience, March 16, 2017.
6 Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice Needs
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The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan
On May 3, 2016, the White House announced a series of actions to spur public dialogue on artificial
intelligence (AI), identify challenges and opportunities related to this technology, aid in the use of Al
for more effective government, and prepare for the potential benefits and risks of Al. As part of these
actions, the White House directed the creation of a national strategy for AI research and development.
Following is a summary of the plan’s areas and intent.
Increase U.S. manufacturing by using robotics
Improve worker health and safety
Improve product quality and reduce costs
Accelerate production capabilities
Improve demand forecasting
Increase flexibility in operations and the
supply chain
Predict impacts to manufacturing operations
Improve scheduling of processes and
reduce inventory requirements
Improve supply chains with adaptive
scheduling and routing
Provide more robust supply chains
Allow early detection of risk
Reduce malicious behavior and fraud
Increase efficiency and reduce volatility
Prevent systemic failures
Improve structural health monitoring and
infrastructure management
Reduce the cost of repair and reconstruction
Make vehicular travel safer
Provide real-time route information
Improve transportation networks and
reduce emissions
Improve production, processing, and storage
Improve distribution and consumption of
agricultural products
Gather data about crops to remove weeds
and pests more efficiently
Apply treatments (water, fertilizer, etc.)
Fill labor gaps
Provide a better match of supply with demand
Drive up revenue for private-sector
Anticipate consumer needs, and find
products and services
Reduce costs
Maximize efficient bandwidth use
Automate information storage and retrieval
Improve filter, search, translation, and
summarization functions
Science and Technology
Assist in knowledge accumulation
Refine theories
Generate hypotheses and perform
experiments using simulations
NIJ Journal / Issue No. 280 January 2019 7
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Gunshot detection
The discovery of pattern signatures in gunshot
analysis offers another area in which to use AI
algorithms. In one project, NIJ funded Cadre
Research Labs, LLC, to analyze gunshot audio files
from smartphones and smart devices “based on the
observation that the content and quality of gunshot
recordings are influenced by firearm and ammunition
type, the scene geometry, and the recording device
Using a well-defined mathematical model,
the Cadre scientists are working to develop algorithms
to detect gunshots, differentiate muzzle blasts
from shock waves, determine shot-to-shot timings,
determine the number of firearms present, assign
specific shots to firearms, and estimate probabilities
of class and caliber — all of which could help law
enforcement in investigations.
Crime forecasting
Predictive analysis is a complex process that uses
large volumes of data to forecast and formulate
potential outcomes. In criminal justice, this job rests
mainly with police, probation practitioners, and other
professionals, who must gain expertise over many
years. The work is time-consuming and subject to bias
and error.
With AI, volumes of information on law and legal
precedence, social information, and media can
be used to suggest rulings, identify criminal
enterprises, and predict and reveal people at risk
from criminal enterprises. NIJ-supported researchers
at the University of Pittsburgh are investigating and
designing computational approaches to statutory
interpretation that could potentially increase the speed
Provide automated tutoring and instruction
Improve personalized programs and evaluation
Provide life-long learning and new skills for
the total population
Use bioinformatics to identify genetic risk
from large-scale studies
Predict safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals
Develop new pharmaceutical compounds
Customize medicine
Diagnose conditions and recommend treatment
Analyze case law history
Assist with discovery process
Summarize evidence
Personal Services
Provide natural language systems for an
easier interface and user experience
Provide automated personal assistants
Allow group scheduling
Security and Law Enforcement
Detect patterns and anomalous behavior
Predict crowd behavior and crime patterns
Protect critical infrastructure
Uncover criminal networks
Safety and Prediction
Predict infrastructure disruptions with
distributed sensor systems and pattern
Adapt operations for minimal impact
1. Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Subcommittee of the National Science and
Technology Council, National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, Office of Science and
Technology Policy, October 2016, 8-11.
8 Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice Needs
National Institute of Justice |
and quality of statutory interpretation performed by
judges, attorneys, prosecutors, administrative staff,
and other professionals. The researchers hypothesize
that a computer program can automatically recognize
specific types of statements that play the most
important roles in statutory interpretation. The goal
is to develop a proof-of-concept expert system to
support interpretation and perform it automatically for
AI is also capable of analyzing large volumes of
criminal justice-related records to predict potential
criminal recidivism. Researchers at the Research
Triangle Institute, in partnership with the Durham
Police Department and the Anne Arundel County
(Maryland) Sheriffs Office, are working to create an
automated warrant service triage tool for the North
Carolina Statewide Warrant Repository. The NIJ-
supported team is using algorithms to analyze data
sets with more than 340,000 warrant records. The
algorithms form decision trees and perform survival
analysis to determine the time span until the next
occurrence of an event of interest and predict the risk
of reoffending for absconding offenders (if a warrant
goes unserved). This model will help practitioners
triage warrant service when backlogs exist. The
resulting tool will also be geographically referenced so
that practitioners can pursue concentrations of high-
risk absconders — along with others who have active
warrants — to optimize resources.
AI can also help determine potential elder victims of
physical and financial abuse. NIJ-funded researchers
at the University of Texas Health Science Center
at Houston used AI algorithms to analyze elder
victimization. The algorithms can determine the victim,
perpetrator, and environmental factors that distinguish
between financial exploitation and other forms of
elder abuse. They can also differentiate “pure”
financial exploitation (when the victim of financial
exploitation experiences no other abuse) from “hybrid”
financial exploitation (when physical abuse or neglect
accompanies financial exploitation). The researchers
hope that these data algorithms can be transformed
into web-based applications so that practitioners
can reliably determine the likelihood that financial
exploitation is occurring and quickly intervene.
Finally, AI is being used to predict potential victims of
violent crime based on associations and behavior. The
Chicago Police Department and the Illinois Institute
of Technology used algorithms to collect information
and form initial groupings that focus on constructing
social networks and performing analysis to determine
potential high-risk individuals. This NIJ-supported
research has since become a part of the Chicago
Police Department’s Violence Reduction Strategy.
The Future of AI in Criminal Justice
Every day holds the potential for new AI applications in
criminal justice, paving the way for future possibilities
to assist in the criminal justice system and ultimately
improve public safety.
Video analytics for integrated facial recognition,
the detection of individuals in multiple locations via
closed-circuit television or across multiple cameras,
and object and activity detection could prevent crimes
through movement and pattern analysis, recognize
crimes in progress, and help investigators identify
suspects. With technology such as cameras, video,
and social media generating massive volumes of
data, AI could detect crimes that would otherwise go
undetected and help ensure greater public safety by
investigating potential criminal activity, thus increasing
community confidence in law enforcement and the
criminal justice system. AI also has the potential to
assist the nation’s crime laboratories in areas such as
complex DNA mixture analysis.
Pattern analysis of data could be used to disrupt,
degrade, and prosecute crimes and criminal
enterprises. Algorithms could also help prevent victims
and potential offenders from falling into criminal
pursuits and assist criminal justice professionals
in safeguarding the public in ways never before
AI technology also has the potential to provide
law enforcement with situational awareness and
context, thus aiding in police well-being due to better
informed responses to possibly dangerous situations.
Technology that includes robotics and drones could
also perform public safety surveillance, be integrated
NIJ Journal / Issue No. 280 January 2019 9
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into overall public safety systems, and provide a safe
alternative to putting police and the public in harm’s
way. Robotics and drones could also perform recovery,
provide valuable intelligence, and augment criminal
justice professionals in ways not yet contrived.
By using AI and predictive policing analytics integrated
with computer-aided response and live public safety
video enterprises, law enforcement will be better
able to respond to incidents, prevent threats, stage
interventions, divert resources, and investigate and
analyze criminal activity. AI has the potential to be a
permanent part of our criminal justice ecosystem,
providing investigative assistance and allowing
criminal justice professionals to better maintain public
About the Author
Christopher Rigano is a senior computer scientist in
NIJ’s Office of Science and Technology.
This article discusses the following grants:
“Design and Implementation of Forensic Facial Identification
Experts Test,” grant number 2015-IJ-CX-K014
“A Simultaneous Low Resolution and Off-Pose Angle Face
Matching Algorithm as an Investigative Lead Generative Tool
for Law Enforcement, grant number 2013-IJ-CX-K005
“Studying the Impact of Video Analytics for Pre, Live and
Post Event Analysis on Outcomes of Criminal Justice,” grant
number 2015-R2-CX-K025
“Learning Models for Predictive Behavioral Intent and
Activity Analysis in Wide Area Video Surveillance,” grant
number 2009-MU-MU-K004
“DeGrade It,” grant number 2016-R2-CX-0012
“A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for DNA Mixture
Interpretation, grant number 2014-DN-BX-K029
“Development of Computational Methods for the Audio
Analysis of Gunshots, grant number 2016-DN-BX-0183
“A Recommendation System for Statutory Interpretation in
Cybercrime, grant number 2016-R2-CX-0010
“Applying Data Science To Justice Systems: The North
Carolina Statewide Warrant Repository (NCAWARE),” grant
number 2015-IJ-CX-K016
“Elder Financial Exploitation Victimization,” grant number
“Chicago Police Predictive Policing Demonstration and
Evaluation Project, grant number 2011-IJ-CX-K014
1. Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, “The Business of
Artificial Intelligence: What It Can — and Cannot — Do for
Your Organization,” Harvard Business Review (August 2017);
and Giosué Lo Bosco and Mattia Antonino Di Gangi, “Deep
Learning Architectures for DNA Sequence Classification,
Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing Applications — 2017:
Revised Selected Papers From the 11th International
Workshop, WILF 2016, Naples, Italy, December 19-21,
2016, eds. Alfredo Petrosino, Vincenzo Loia, and Witold
Pedrycz (London: Springer Nature, 2018), 162-171,
2. The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and
Simulation of Behaviour, “What is Artificial Intelligence.”
3. Bernard Marr, “What Is the Difference Between Deep
Learning, Machine Learning and AI?” Forbes (December 8,
4. National Science and Technology Council and the
Networking and Information Technology Research and
Development Subcommittee, The National Artificial
Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan,
Washington, DC: Office of Science and Technology Policy,
October 2016,
5. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity,
“Janus, Washington, DC: Office of the Director of
National Intelligence,
6. Yunlong Zhang and Lori M. Bruce, Mississippi Transportation
Research Center: Automated Accident Detection at
Intersections (Project Number: FHWA/MS-DOT-RD-04-150),
Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Transportation
and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Administration, March 2004.
7. Rachel Z. Arndt, “Artificial Intelligence Takes on Medical
Imaging, Transportation Hub (July 8, 2017).
8. Brynjolfsson and McAfee, “The Business of Artificial
Intelligence”; and Lo Bosco and Di Gangi, “Deep Learning
Architecture for DNA Sequence Classification.”
9. Ajit Jaokar, “Artificial Intelligence in Fraud Detection,”
Envision Blog, March 15, 2017.
Eric Knorr, “How PayPal Beats the Bad Guys With Machine
Learning, Ahead of the Curve, InfoWorld (April 13, 2015).
10 Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice Needs
National Institute of Justice |
“Design and Implementation of Forensic Facial Identification
Experts Test” at the University of Texas at Dallas, NIJ award
number 2015-IJ-CX-K014; and P. Jonathon Phillips, “A
Cross Benchmark Assessment of a Deep Convolutional
Neural Network for Face Recognition, paper presented at
the 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face &
Gesture Recognition, 2017, 705-710.
“A Simultaneous Low Resolution and Off-Pose Angle Face
Matching Algorithm as an Investigative Lead Generative Tool
for Law Enforcement” at Carnegie Mellon University, NIJ
award number 2013-IJ-CX-K005.
“DeGrade It” at Dartmouth College, NIJ award number
“Studying the Impact of Video Analytics for Pre, Live and
Post Event Analysis on Outcomes of Criminal Justice”
at the University of Central Florida, NIJ award number
“Learning Models for Predictive Behavioral Intent and
Activity Analysis in Wide Area Video Surveillance”
at the University of Houston, NIJ award number
“A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for DNA Mixture
Interpretation” at Syracuse University, NIJ award number
“Detailed Information for Award 2016-DN-BX-0183,
National Institute of Justice, https://external.ojp.usdoj.
“Development of Computational Methods for the Audio
Analysis of Gunshots” at Cadre Research Labs, LLC, NIJ
award number 2016-DN-BX-0183.
See, for example, “Effects of Human Factors on the
Accuracy of Fingerprint Analysis,” National Institute
of Justice,
“A Recommendation System for Statutory Interpretation
in Cybercrime” at the University of Pittsburgh, NIJ award
number 2016-R2-CX-0010.
“Applying Data Science to Justice Systems: The North
Carolina Statewide Warrant Repository (NCAWARE)” at RTI
International, NIJ award number 2015-IJ-CX-K016.
“Exploring Elder Financial Exploitation Victimization” at the
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, NIJ
award number 2013-IJ-CX-0050.
“Chicago Police Predictive Policing Demonstration and
Evaluation Project” at the Chicago Police Department
and Illinois Institute of Technology, NIJ award number
Image source: Erika Cross, Frenzel, GaudiLab, ESB
Professional, and Jerome Scholler/Shutterstock;
NCJ 252038
Cite this article as: Christopher Rigano, “Using
Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice
Needs,NIJ Journal 280, January 2019, https://