How to file your Property Tax Returns Online*
1) Log in to BBMP Property Tax Portal Palike Sampanmoola. This can be
through the BBMP website or directly at
2) Enter your Base SAS application No. or PID No. in the space provided.
3) You can see all the details you have entered in the Base SAS
4) You cannot make any changes in column 1 and 2.
5) Make appropriate change in column 3 if there is any change in
occupation/age/telephone No. /Mobile No. and e mail address. Mobile
number is a mandatory field.
6) You cannot make any changes from column No. 4 a to 4 f. If there are
any changes in the postal address, mention the changes in column 4 g.
7) Please mention your BESCOM & BWSSB RR No.s and ADHAAR
CARD Number. These are optional fields, however we urge you to give
the details as it will help address issues relating to property tax evasion.
8) In column 5a and 5b you have to choose the zonal classification to
which your property belongs to Residential / Non-Residential category
of properties respectively.
In column 5a(i) and 5b(i) the zonal classification already chosen in
the base year application is retrieved as per your declaration in that
In column 5a(ii) and 5b(ii), you will have to choose the zonal
classification as per the new Zonal classification notified in the
Karnataka State Gazette available on this website.
If there is more than one jump in the current year zonal
classification when compared to the base year which is mentioned
in 5a(i) and 5b(i) then, the jump shall be restricted to next higher
zonal classification only.
For example : if the zonal classification in the base year application
is say “E”, and now as per the new notification, property is in zone
“C”, then it has to be restricted to the immediate next higher zone i.e
to zone “D” only.
9) Suppose your property is sliding down from higher zone to lower zone,
it has to be retained in the same zonal classification as it exists in the
base year application.
For example : If the property was in zone “D” in the base year
application, but now it has slid down to zone “E”, it has to be retained
in zone “D” only.
10) In column 6, details of your property are retrieved as there in your base
year application.
11) In column 7a built up area and usage of your property as declared in
the base year application are retrieved.
12) If there are any changes made in the existing structure or usage of
your property in the current year, please incorporate those changes in
the space provided below the column 7a by using “ADD”
option.(Note:Any reduction in your Property taxes because of change of
usage etc will have to be verified by the concerned ARO of the sub-
division, only then will the online application filing completion will be
13) In column 7b as in earlier years you have to declare the details of
mobile towers, hoardings, parking details in your property
14) In column 8, your property details, usage and the tax paid details can
be seen as declared by you in the base year.
15) In column 9 details about court appeal filed if any and details of tax
assessed and tax revised can be seen.
In-built auto calculator of Property Taxes begins its work
16) In column 10 assessment for expected returns from residential
property at prescribed rates is made automatically and net tax to be
paid is shown after depreciation and addition of cess.
17) In column 11 assessment of expected returns from non-residential
properties at prescribed rates is made automatically and property tax to
be paid is shown after depreciation .
18) In column 11A assessment of expected returns from non-residential
properties in which 25% of the total area ,is calculated as service area
used for the respective category at prescribed rates is made
automatically and property tax to be paid is shown .
19) In column 12 assessment of excess vacant land is made.
20) In column 13 assessment of vacant land is made.
21) In column 14 total property tax details to be paid for residential, non-
residential, excess vacant land and vacant land are automatically
calculated and shown.
22) In column 15 tax on telecommunication towers, in column 16 tax on bill
board/ hoarding are automatically calculated and shown.
23) In column 17 total property tax to be paid is shown.
24) In column 18 total cess payable @24% of property tax payable is
calculated and shown.
25) In column 19 total tax payable after inclusion of cess is calculated and
26) If you are paying the entire amount as calculated above in one
instalment, you can avail a rebate of 5% of total amount payable.
27) In column 20 the rebate amount is calculated automatically shown to
28) In column 21 net property tax payable is shown after deducting the
rebate amount.
29) Column 22 is defunct as there is no advance tax paid.
30) The excess amount of tax if any paid in the previous year cannot be
adjusted in the system. If there is a refund of taxes due, then please
submit an application to your jurisdictional ARO’s office ,who will in the
next 90 days hold Ward wise camps to resolve such outstanding issues
and if refund is due action will be taken to transfer the amount to your
bank account after following due process under law. Therefore Column
23 is defunct.
31) In column 24 a penalty of Rs.100/- will be added if return is not filed
within the prescribed period.
32) In column 25 a penal interest of 2% per month is added if the property
tax is paid after due date for payment.
33) In column 26 Solid Waste Management Cess for 12 months is added.
34) In column 27 Net Tax payable is shown.
35) Thereafter you will have to make a declaration certifying the accuracy
of the returns you are filing and that you know you are liable for action
under relevant provisions of the KMC Act in case of false declarations.
36) Now you have to choose whether you are paying in one instalment or
two instalments. Property tax can be paid in two instalments.
37) If you are paying online, you can choose the online payment option by
clicking “ONLINE PAYMENT” and make the payment using your
credit/debit card or net banking.
38) If you are paying in cash/DD/cheques. You have to click on the
“CHALLAN” button.
39) Then generate a challan and take a printout. Take care to see that you
also take a print out of your filled in application form. In the month of
April the validity of the challan is valid for 10 days from the date of
generated. You can proceed to make a payment in any one of the
authorised Canara Bank branches within the BBMP limits within this
time frame. The bank gives receipts immediately for payments received
in cash and DD. For payments received through cheque receipts are
generated after realisation of payment. You can print challans,
completed application copy and also receipts after payments are made
or realised as the case may be.
*(A Sample copy of the SAS application is available on the website for
viewing and print for rough work if required)